
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Jericho!

Two in the heck have two years gone by already? Little man has been an amazing gift to our lives, how ever did we get along without our 4th Amigo?!
Pinterest gave me lots of Sesame Street ideas....some turned out better than others LOL.
Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes! We had a problem getting red just imagine Elmo is not pinkish OK.
Elmo cake...grrr wish the red wouldn't have given us such trouble.
Fruit tray faces :)
Oscar veggie tray too :) Dorothy, and a lot of her friends joined us. We also had mini sausages wrapped in crescents and the bomb mini meatballs that were such a hit at the trio's Bday party. It was so nice just keeping it simple, now if only we could do that for the triplets parties.

Look at Xander...bummed because I told him he had to wait for our guests before he could eat all the fruit LOL.
There are so many great Sesame decorations...I didn't have to make anything :)
Trying to distract the kids with TV...didn't work too well.

The Birthday Boy! Looking spiffy little man.
I love how colorful everything is!

Photo bomb by Elmo :)
It was a pretty small group, but we had a much better turn out that last year :)


The giant Elmo was a big hit...poor guy.

Cake time!
Happy Birthday To You!
Hope your wish comes true little Buddy!
And he got to try a cupcake...which was probably a bad idea LOL.

Just a little messy :)

Everyone wants hats, but then they will never leave them on.
Poor Elmo...I fear he isn't going to last long Hehehe.
Woohoo gift time :)
Jericho did a great job opening his own gifts...even though the triplets seemed to think he needed help.
Everyone was so generous. He got so many great gifts...a couple of them extra special because they were things we bought for the trio for Christmas but didn't get one for him...little did we know that would cause problems. Now it seems we have to buy everything in 4's LOL.

Poor sad girl...she wanted to open his gifts.
I offered her a goodie bag, that helped a little. In the end the girls ended up getting super cranky and passed out for a nap while on a time out in their room LOL.
The sit and spin was a big hit...after being shown how to play with it by a couple of his guests he was tearing it up :)

Such a fun afternoon, thank you everyone for coming to celebrate with us. My baby boy is growing up so fast! We love you little make my heart smile :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

This is NOT an endorsement.

We got the trio that "As seen on TV" fortune cookie maker for Christmas...oh Lord. It takes 20-25 minutes to make FOUR freaking cookies. You would be better off to make an entire batch of sugar cookies and let your kiddos go nuts with frosting and sprinkles.

I had to take pictures, I was positive this would be the first and only time we use this contraption LOL.

Jason and I were both surprised that the kids stuck with it....even seemed excited. I was bored to tears.

Everyone got a turn to make their 1 cookie. Did I mention how absurd this thing is?

Now they sit for 15 minutes. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to leave the kitchen. The kids stayed and watched the magic not happen Hehehe.

Then they finally got to decorate their cookie.

Then the moment that they had been waiting 25 minutes for....they each got to eat their 1 cookie, which had broken in the drying process. 
If I haven't made your mind up and you still wish to try it for yourself, I know where you can get one for new condition only used once :)
Jericho's Bday party is in a couple days...can't wait to get all his Sesame Street stuff put up! Love these goodie bags, thanks to Pinterest!