
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wild party nights.

3 years ago today our hearts grew by one more. Jericho Miles, what an addition you have been. Who knew triplets could ever be deemed as "easy" when you are talking comparisons between your multiples and your singleton LOL. You are a is true, but along with your rough and wild boy antics you provide big cheesy grins, sloppy kisses, laughs, amazing feats of daring risk taking and loads of love. We wouldn't have it any other way....well the 6pm "witching hour" could go away, I wouldn't mind that so much :) We love you baby boy...Happy 3rd Birthday!!! XOXOX.

Look how big you have gotten...and even cuter, how ever that is possible.
It was a quiet New Year's Eve around here...same as it has been for the last 5 1/2 years LOL. 2013 has not been too bad to us. Lots of windows opened just when we had a door close...can't ask for much more than that. 2014 let's do this thing! Taking a saying from a your people Happy New Year every one...may it be a good one.
Hayden and Daddy pic awww.
Then they photo bomb as I am trying to get a last picture of our tree before it comes down tomorrow.
Silly kids.
Love for Gangster.
My New Years night took a sudden turn. Lots of half naked people running around. Oh wait, it is just your average bed time at our house. Carry fun to be had here LOL.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A wintry fun 3rd Bday party!

It is almost time to PARTAY!!!
My fabulous sister in law Tia was over at Noon to help me decorate and set up...she brought 3 priceless items with her. A bottle of wine, and my 2 nephews to keep an eye on the kids while we drank our wine decorated the house :) This one glass, albeit it is a big one, got me through the entire party....I nursed the thing for almost 5 hours LOL.

B and the Birthday boy having fun.

This is my give me my camera Xander, before I harm you face...when there is going to be photographic evidence anyway LOL.
I handed out the Kindles to help keep the big kids entertained.

Auntie Tia did an amazing job with the streamers. The kids wanted to took all I had to over power my inner perfectionist and allow their decorations to remain up Hahaha.

The craft room was all ready, with a gingerbread house wonderland. The kids started showing up at 4 and almost everyone was there and ready to rock and roll by 4:30.
We ended up 3 kids a couple of the teens got in there and decorated a couple houses too. It was a full room with 13 kiddos and some grown ups.
The trio did a great job...with a little help from Great Aunt Julie.
Auntie Tia and Cousin Tyler helped the Birthday Boy out with his house.

He was enjoying himself.
And probably eating more than decorating LOL.
Finishing touches.
It was a little crazy in there...but I think the kiddos had a great time. We had WAY too much candy LOL. Jason's work will be getting all, non chocolate, left overs.

The rattie boys even got a little attention today :)
G was a good boy...though he wouldn't listen and stay on his bed. Too many kids to love on. Today was Jericho's girlfriends actual Bday, she is the big 3! Miss Kianna is scared of big dogs, her Mom and Dad want to get a pittie they are trying to work with her.
Gangster tried to help...he thought maybe laying his big head in her lap was a good idea. He is such a mellow sweet boy, he is a good dog to help someone work through dog fears.
The trio LOVED Kianna's baby sister Layla. So cute!
Our dinner was running about 30 minutes late. We had to wait on the fries...for chili cheese fries. We had a warm you up chili bar theme going, my fave (and skinny shh don't tell anyone) chicken chili, fritos, cornbread, hot dogs, fries...then sour cream, cheese, onions and pickled jalapenos. It was a HIT. I doubled the chili recipe and only had about 2 cups left over, 3 packages of dogs...gone, 2 bags of fritos...gone. So good, and everyone wanted the chili recipe LOL. The recipe is is the bomb, I will never make it any other way.
The melted snowman station.
And the Hot Cocoa bar. Those that know me know I am a cocoa fan...and snob. This was my first time making homemade cocoa and oh was it good. I doubled the recipe and didn't have a single cup left over. The toppings were yummy too...Snowman buttons, AKA chocolate chips. Reindeer treats, AKA butterscotch chips. Mini snowballs and Elf shoes too...also known as mini marshmallows and mini candy canes. We totally forgot to put out the whip cream, now I have 3 cans sitting in my fridge...that is not good for the diet ;)

If you want to try this cocoa of the Gods you will need...
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 (14oz) can sweetened condensed milk
2 cups milk chocolate chips
6 cups of milk
1 tsp vanilla

Add everything to the crock pot and stir until blended.
Cover and cook on low for 2 hours, stir every 30 minutes.
Makes about 12...1 cup, servings.

Finally dinner time!
Then we broke out the party hats and got on to the gifts...Jericho was a pro :)
Thanks everyone for being so generous. He loved everything!
After gifts we moved right on to the cake, it was getting late...I swear our parties always run long LOL.
A couple snowmen are a nice ending to our Winter Wonderland party :)
Thank you everyone for celebrating with to all! XOXOX