
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Before I get to today's fun...I have to share this picture. I went on my before bed checks, and found the boys like this...awww :) They were actually snuggling much closer, like hugging each other, but when I ran for my camera they moved on me.
Today was amazing...82 degrees and gorgeous! We all were up with the sun, and got right to business. Jason, with a little hindrance help from Xander the lawn mowed before 9:30am.

Man our yard needed this! I love the look and smell of fresh cut grass...too bad it doesn't love me. I spent the rest of the day in allergy hell...ugh.

Jericho and Haddie spent some time shooting hoops.

He is not bad, our second child that is just going to excel at sports. Funny that it is our other sports star who is helping him.

Look at his hands...such cute little form LOL.

I love how he kept getting farther away...he had to keep making things more difficult. That is so Jericho LOL.

Nest watch...Day 10! Got 1 great shot today.

Black and white.

The kiddos were given a couple monster trucks that they got to play with today...thank Dina, they love them!

Started off in the backyard...they were having fun giving rides to some of their smaller stuffed friends.

Out front in the cul-de-sac was much better...the kiddos drove these things until the batteries were totally dead.

Jericho of course wanted to rally his truck off stuff.

Look at the smile as soon as it starts to fall.

When the trucks were all out of juice Jason started washing the car....the kids had a better use for the hose.

Run!!! Aaaahhh LOL.

Jason got the new tail light put on...the old one has been broken for almost 2 years now, better late than never right? Thank goodness for junk yards, and husbands who can do things like this...saved us MAJOR dinero.

Smiling in the sunshine!
Jason had to run to the store to get a couple things, we talked about adding a kiddie pool to his list...he said maybe. I texted him a few minutes after he left, to let him know I may have let the pool idea slip. Then I sent him this picture and told him if he came home without a pool I could not guarantee his safety LOL. The kids JUMPED on the kiddie pool idea, Jason was barely out of the driveway and they got their suits on and were running around the house yelling "Boob Baby"...I am not even sure where they got that from LOL.

Lucky for him he came home with a pool...yay, Daddy gets to live! Hahaha :)

Totally all on their own the kids came up with where they wanted the pool set up at. I don't know who is crazier, the kids for wanting to slide down the slide into the water...or us for allowing it. Thankfully no one was hurt and fun was had by all.

The bigs were huge fans. Jericho almost got pushed down the slide when he wasn't going fast enough for some (ahem Xander Dominic we do not push) so he got scared and decided not to go down.

The kids were cracking us up!

What fun...such an amazing day for it too! Oh I wish this weather was here to stay.

These guys had fun for HOURS...who needs Great Wolf Lodge?! Hahaha!!

Jericho got interested again...I thought he may go down.

Nope...Spider-Man gets a turn.

Then he held Dad's hand and went down too. So not like him to be timid of trying new things...especially when the big kids are doing it LOL.

The kids did not want to come in for dinner...but they ate it very well once we could get them to come in. A little white pizza pasta...that I tried to "Skinny" up myself. We tried a crock pot pizza pasta before...but the girls are now anti red sauce and I didn't like how the noodles came out that time so we tried something new tonight.

1 lb of Smart Taste Penne pasta
1 jar of light parmesan Alfredo jar sauce
1 package of Canadian bacon
1/2-1 carton of fresh mushrooms
1 can of pineapple chunks (next time we will add another half-whole can)
3 cups low fat mozzarella cheese (next time we will only do 2 cups...I love cheese as much as the next not lactose intolerant person but this was pretty much too cheesy, if such a thing actually existed) 

Didn't think of it until after we ate...but some grilled chicken and a can or two of artichoke hearts would have been excellent additions.

We cooked the pasta per the package instruction for al dente. Then added everything but 1 cup of cheese to the cooked noodles. Stirred well to combine everything. Then transferred everything to a 9X13 baking dish...put the last cup of cheese on top and popped it into the broiler until the cheese was melted.

Serves about 10. It was fabulous, the kids ALL dug this one...and at 398 calories and 16 grams of fat it wasn't too bad, I think knocking the cheese down a cup will help skinny it up even more.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Busy little bee's.

Nest 9. No news yet. Mommy bird stuck close by again. I hope we have some action soon!

If you are just seeing this whole nest watch...we have been keeping our eyes on the nest since we found it the day after Easter. You can go back through the pictures day by day if you want...start here.

As excited as I am for these little eggs to hatch, I think I will miss this stage.

I saw this quote and fell in love with it...I totally see wishes :) So today I tried to take some photos and get one to go with the quote, this will be added to my "Must print" folder.

Ready to make a wish....

The kiddos planted some cucumber seeds today. Hopefully they grow, must add 'Cucumber watch' to my list...nest, strawberries, tomatoes, flowers. It is going to get exciting around here.

Speaking of flowers...we have a little action starting from the Gladi's we planted a month ago!

Xander took it upon himself to start pulling some tall grass. He said he was making a big nest :) Don't ask me why he thought he needed the coat, it was only 75!! today.

Dinner tonight, another Skinny Taste winner. Cajun chicken good, seriously!

8 ounces uncooked linguine
1 pound chicken breast strips
1-2 tsp Cajun seasoning (or to taste)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 medium yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced
8 oz fresh mushrooms, sliced
1/2 red onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 medium tomatoes, diced
1 cup fat free low sodium chicken broth
1/3 cup skim milk
1 tbsp flour
3 tbsp light cream cheese
fresh cracked pepper
2 scallions, chopped
Smart Balance cooking spray

Prep all your vegetables. In a small blender make a slurry by combining milk, flour and cream cheese. Set aside. Season chicken generously with Cajun seasoning, garlic powder.

Prepare pasta in salted water according to package directions.

Heat a large heavy nonstick skillet over medium-high heat; spray with cooking spray and add half of the chicken. Sauté 5 to 6 minutes or until done, set aside on a plate and repeat with the remaining chicken. Set aside.

Add olive oil to the skillet and reduce to medium; add bell peppers, onions, and garlic to skillet, sauté 3-4 minutes.

Add mushrooms and tomatoes and sauté 3-4 more minutes or until vegetables are tender. Season with 1/4 tsp salt, garlic powder and fresh cracked pepper to taste.

Reduce heat to medium-low; add chicken broth and pour in slurry stirring about 2 minutes.

Return chicken to skillet; adjust salt and Cajun seasoning to taste, cook another minute or two until hot, then add linguine; toss well to coat. Top with chopped scallions and enjoy!
Serves 5. 1 1/2 cups are 324 calories and 6 grams of fat.

My friend Dina, and her two boys were nice enough to pass on a full 'Cars' theme room set up to my boys. Xander and Jericho are so happy...the girls are even super excited, they had to have a sleep over in their brothers room tonight they were so excited LOL.

They were a big help to their Dad with the decorating, as usual Hehehe.

Xander even ran and put on the PJ's that came with the Cars room suite set up LOL. I have a feeling we will be watching the movie tomorrow LOL.

Xander came running out 2 or 3 times tonight exclaiming how happy he was and how "It's what I've always wanted!!" Thanks Dina, you and your kiddos are such amazing friends...and so very generous. I never could have guessed giving the Pit Bull breed a chance 10 years ago would not only bring me one of the best dogs I have ever had...but a best friend too. XOXOX