
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Anniversaries and movies!

8 years ago today I became a wife...I had no idea I would end up as happy and loved as I am today! Our 12 years together have flown by, and now we have 4 amazing kids. He is my rock, my best friend and my safe place to fall! I love you babe, thanks for putting up with me..and being the best co-pilot. I couldn't ask for more XOXOXO

Back in the day...probably a day in early 2004, dayum LOL.
A first today, before Jason had to head off to work we took the kiddos to the movie theater for the first time! Other than that OMSI IMAX movie we saw 3 years ago. What, doesn't everyone spend their anniversary with their kids and then at work? Hahaha hopefully next year Jason and I can make a little more fuss.

Walking in...very excited, may the force be with us.

They couldn't wait to see 'How to Train Your Dragon 2'!!!
It was really good, the sad part sucked of course...why do the makers of children's movies insist on doing this, so many movies have done this it is really getting old. I'm trying not to spoil it for those that haven't seen the movie yet.

Hahaha he asked for tickets and Xander, Hayden and Lily immediately, and somewhat forcefully, thrust their tickets at him all at once.

Getting ready!

Jericho did really good for the first hour, and then again for the last 15...there was a good 25 minutes in between that he was a bit of a pain. Not too shabby for a very wild 3 1/2 year old could have been way worse LOL. He was ready to go nutty as soon as we stepped out of that theater!!!

The girls were in a finger and toenail painting mood for pretty much the rest of the day. They painted their own, washed it off then painted each others, then painted Xanders, then washed theirs off and painted them again. I hope the polish is close to running out LOL.

Haddie decided to do the blue and yellow combo thing. They need a little more practice staying on the nail LOL.

I had to draw the line at Gangster LOL.

Kid funny...well sort of, of the day. I guess I brought this one on myself. I admit, the kids making a big mess right before bed tonight got me to yell a bit when I told them to clean up.
Lily tells me "You don't have to talk like that, just use your normal voice. Now excuse me *as she headed off to help pick up* and don't talk like that again it is rude." OWNED. LOL!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The ride bracelet is the way to go!

Grandma treated us to our annual (well we missed last year) trip to the Enchanted Forest. We started coming 3 years ago, the trio had just turned 3 and Jericho was only 7 months much they have changed.

My big kids!

We planned this trip a couple weeks ago, thankfully the kids are pretty much over their colds...just a cough hanging on. When you plan stuff early in June in Oregon you never know what you are going to get. We checked the weather last night and were bummed to see it was supposed to be possibly dicey, off and on showers. We thought about rescheduling but the kids were already so excited and everyone had the day off, so we just crossed our fingers and went anyway. We lucked out yet again...not only did we only get a slight misting a couple of times but being a weekday and a day calling for rain there was almost no one there...SCORE! We ended up getting the ride bracelets this time, our first time trying them out and they totally paid off today. We rode everything 3 or 4 times and since there was no crowd there was no waiting on was like the best day ever at an amusement park!

My guys!!!

Look at the cheese factory on the right LOL.

The girlzzz :)

Jericho loved the knight.

Humpty Dumpty with Grandma. Haddie was on a big Grandma kick today, my usual Daddy's girl could have totally been mistaken for a Grandma's girl :)

They love checking out all the nursery rhyme's.

The maze...Jericho thought going under the walls was the best decision, well he is not exactly wrong LOL.

Slide fun...and they are all big enough to go down alone.

But going down together is still fun!

High fives from Dad.

Thrill seeker LOL!

A visit to the old west.

Then some RC boat racing.

Hard to race when you can't see over the wheel LOL.

The kids made it through their first, very tame, haunted house (clinging to our hands and shirts tucking their heads the whole way) they didn't scream and totally freak...but we will be putting off any Halloween haunted houses for at least another year LOL.

Bumper boats are a little more their speed :)

Rides, rides, rides. We were busy for hours.

I got in on the ride action too. This one is always fun.

We stopped for their short Jack and the Beanstalk play.

Hayden raised her hand when "Jack" asked if anyone wanted to volunteer. She got picked and was put through some funny paces, which she had no problem with performing LOL!

It was another funny show, two years ago was our first time catching the we won't miss them.

Great time to stop for a picnic lunch.

Then back to more fun! The trio got their first try at a marksmen game...they need more practice, but Mom and Dad did alright :)

Looks like they are having fun on this slide LOL.

Next we hit their roller coaster, it doesn't look like much and is pretty short...but it is not a bad little ride!!

They have a fun ride where you shoot laser guns at targets.

Some creepy targets in Mondor.

The girls actually did pretty darn good...I was surprised.

I beat Grandma...but was not pleased with my 990...even if I was taking pictures at the same time. We went through again, without the camera I doubled my score, now that is more like it LOL.
Next up Enchanted Forest's version of Splash Mountain!

Ready to get wet!

The biggest splash comes at the end...I got some pics of the boys getting drenched :)

Girls turn!!

Lets do this!

After riding the log ride like 3 times we felt wet enough, so we moved on to bumper cars. Just a never ending day of fun!

Jericho wasn't big enough to ride this one, even with an adult...he really wasn't quite big enough for the log ride either but they stood him real tall and I told them he just had a haircut LOL, but he had to sit out this time. The girls went first, then Jason and Xan got to go with me and Lily while Grandma entertained Jericho and Hayden.

The kids couldn't reach the pedal, so we did that part while they did *most* of the crashing steering.

When we were finally done with rides for the day we checked out the caves for a bit. I can't believe we spent almost 7 hours here today, our longest visit to date....and the most fun too I think. Woohoo for no crowds and ride bracelets!

My big kids...they just don't slow down do they, from 4 to 21 is going to be a huge blur.

This little man is doing everything he can to keep up.

What a great day, I hope they sleep well...I know I will!!