
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My baby is FOUR!

My baby boy turned 4 today, and had the best party ever. We love this wild little brute so much. He is a handful and gives us a run for our money moreso than any of our other kiddos...but we wouldn't trade him for anything. You are so special Jericho Miles...Happy Birthday son!

He loved his life size Batman.

The party room looked great...but the kids spent the first hour+ running wild, jumping and sliding.

His cake was pretty cool. The bat brownies turned out great too.
Jericho had a blast! Last year he needed a little help playing at places like this...this year he was off and in charge the whole time.

Cody having fun.

The cyclone was a big hit.


We were allowed 25 kids, none of Jericho's PreK classmates were able to make it, so we let the girls each invite a friend from their class. I wanted Lily to be able to spend a little more special time with her BFF Kalaya....moving day gets closer and closer :(
 We ended up with 17 kids, which was plenty LOL.

Lily and Kalaya spent most of the 2 hours holding hands and having a great time.

Jericho was all over the place, it was pretty much impossible to get him to stop for a picture LOL.

Hayden's friend Novella.

Tristan, Jordan and Natalia...always a fun addition to our parties.

The kids played hard...bedtime is hopefully going to be a breeze.

Miss Kianna.

One of Jericho's high school buddies at PreK made it for a little bit...Jericho just adores Trey.

The kids wanted the cyclone turned one.

Lets see how many kiddos we can cram one Great Aunt Julie. So funny!

Lots of hair flying.

Trying for a group picture is hard with 17 kids. We were three short, plus Mal climbing up the ladder.

Such a great bunch!

Pizza and snacks time! I thought 5 large pizza's may have been too much...but it was JUST enough LOL. Kids that play hard can sure put it away LOL. Good thing we had chips, carrots, cheese and crackers too...or we may not have had enough. Next least 6 pizza's I guess.

Cake! Jericho loved it.

What a cutie!

Make a wish little man.

Everyone wanted to try out the throne LOL. Love Miss Kenzie's outfit, way to get into the theme!

The cake was yummy...and provided some fantastic blue tongues. Awesome Natalia!

Miss Haddie was blue too.

Silly birthday boy...looking a little tired there tiger.

Gift much fun.

Jericho was so excited about each and every gift, usually he yelled out a big, and very sincere, 'thank you' before he even got the wrapping paper off LOL. The trio were so excited for their little brother to open the gifts they picked out for him...Xander's gift was saved for last. His Fart Gun (of Despicable Me fame) was sure to be the most inappropriate did not disappoint Hahaha.

A couple of times he held up an opened gift and said "dun dun dun"...he made everyone laugh. My little joker.

Little Laila had a crush on Red Feather going on.

Such a fun party. I loved having the help with set up, not having to worry about clean up or cooking dinner...and the kids burned off a ton of energy. This party was a total success!

Thanks to everyone that was able to join us today to celebrate our amazing baby boy. We have such wonderful family and friends...thank you village, we appreciate you so much.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Almost ready to get this party started!

Jericho's birthday party is tomorrow, and I am in a sea of Batman. I found Batman puzzles for all the boys...the girl guests will get girly puzzles. I found little Batman figurines too. My best score was cotton candy in Batman packaging...I know it is crap, but it was Batman crap LOL. I also tossed in some superhero DIY masks and bubbles too.

The goodie bags will be Baterrific LOL!

I had planned to hand paint the bat symbol on the bags, then I looked at the 18 bags I had to make and got lazy Hahaha. I printed these little logos instead.

The kids have fallen in love with legos, they could sit and build stuff ALL DAY...even my busy man Jericho. This is helpful when I need to get stuff done. So far I haven't stepped on a single one either ;)

I took a break from the goodie bags for dinner, Xander was very entertaining tonight.
You know what love is?
It is your 6 year old son telling you when you are old he will buy you the tub that has a door that opens so you won't have an accident getting in the tub. He even followed it up with "when you are old you can live with me in my house"...hope his wife is OK with that. I love you Xander, you are the sweetest kid, and you have the biggest heart...don't change, the world needs you just the way you are. 

It took me 3+ hours to make these bags, and my hands died more than once, but they are done at last.

They actually turned out pretty cool.

Bat brownies. We decided to buy Jericho's cake this year, I felt I had to make these.

Jericho, and his brother and sisters, are super excited for his party tomorrow. I'm sure the "Is it time yet"'s will start before lunch, 5pm could take forever to get here...for all of us LOL.