
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pulling out the sprinkler!

Today was another beautiful day, with rain on the forecast we took advantage of it and pulled out the sprinkler.

Kitsune had fun chasing after her toys through the water.

A few pics from the second party we went to yesterday. One of the triplets classmates was turning 6. They had a great time blasting each other with water.

We spent 5 hours at this party...the kiddos had a great time, and got totally soaked.

The family lives on a little homestead farm, they have chickens, ducks, pigs and this tom...he is so cool. He came out to spend a little time with the kids. We were sent home with our first ever duck eggs, used them this morning to make French may have been the best French toast ever! Guess I need to add ducks to my list for our little farm :)

And a couple turkey's too LOL.

Cake time!

Then right back to the water fun. The older kids did a great job on the slip n slide.

The younger kids have more to learn.

Or they just have a flair for the trick slide.

Down Jericho, that is how you crack your head.

Finished off the party with an ice cream truck. We have always told the kids that ice cream from a truck is yucky...cover was blown today. All we heard from Lily as she was eating her ice cream truck selection was "Mom, you and Dad were cream trucks don't have yucky ice cream!" Guess our next line of defense will have to be...if the music is playing, that means they are out of ice cream LOL.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Children museums rock!

Today we celebrated our friend Miss Kenzie's birthday at the Portland Children's Museum. This was actually our first time checking this place out, it was fun!

Jericho...AKA President Business, his fave. My little rebel, likes almost all of the bad guys...ut oh LOL.
My two Unikitties.
Jericho writing his name on his craft...way to go little dude.

Such a fun bunch!

They had a theater...the girls spent a LOT of time there LOL.

They put on some fantastic shows for us.

The girls and I spent a lot of exploring time together today, while the boys were off checking out other stuff.

They LOVED this spot...I didn't have the heart to tell them grocery shopping sucks Hahaha.

Off to the circus.

She has skills!

Just a swinging...

Oh my gosh...she kills me. Too stinking cute!

Xander ran into a pole at the park the other day...good thing he needs a haircut, there is a purple shiner under that mop.

Into the clay room...I always did love working with clay.

Hayden made a nest and asked me to make the bird.

Xander's teacup.

They had a face paint spot...the girls asked me to paint their faces like cats. I winged it, using their crappy little stubs of paint crayons was the biggest pain.

Not too shabby for a face paint amateur.

The boys loved the shovel area, they could have spent all day in there.

We took our little wild cats outside.

Why so serious Bug?

That is better :)

There was an amazing climbing tree, we couldn't keep the kids out of it.

Little daredevil...Dad was right there to spot his crazy little boy.

We all had a super time...thanks for inviting us Kenzie, it is always a good time hanging out with you guys!

Nice silly faces girls.
We actually had a second birthday party today...but this was already so long. I will add another post later.