
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Quiet New Years Eve in the country.

My baby woke me up this morning by flying in my room yelling "I'm FIVE!!!" He jumped in bed, quickly followed by his sisters, and we sang at least 3 rounds of Happy Birthday To You and had tickle wars. It was a chill morning, followed by a chill day and concluded with a chill night.

We got to go pick up Dad from the hospital late today, thankfully he is feel better...though more tests are needed.

My big 5 year old.
There were no fireworks leading up to tonight, and none woke anyone up tonight either...we were all in bed by 10:30 LOL. Pretty quiet when you live out in the country...and everything is still snow covered. The kiddos put on their own NYE party, which included games (musical chairs), snacks, and lots of dancing. They have been practicing their dances for the last couple of days...they did pretty good, though dips were awkward Hahaha.

2015 was overall a great year for us, Lots of big, and exciting, changes. A whole new world and way of life as we make our homestead home. The kids have all grown and learned, they are such wonderful little people. My hubby and I are finding more time to be a couple again, now that our "babies" are getting to more self sufficient stages. Thank you 2015, may 2016 continue on the same path.

Happy New Year to all...may 2016 also be kind and generous to you as well.

Keep on smiling!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hospital stays, suck for all.

Jason got hurt at work on Monday, since then he hasn't been feeling right, Tuesday (yesterday) he couldn't take it anymore and had me drive him to the ER. They admitted him and started tests and meds. He stayed the night, and will be staying tonight too, so the kids and I went to visit him.
The gowns and gloves made the visit less scary and more fun for them.

My little Doctors in training.

They wrote I Love My Dad all over his board.

Fun visit with Dad. Hayden cried herself to sleep tonight, Miss Daddy's Girl was just too upset that she couldn't have a kiss goodnight. Thankfully he is going to be OK, and is already feeling better. Hope he gets to come home tomorrow.

We have so many wonderful friends that offered to help me out with anything while Jason was in the hospital. Nick and Lisa were kind enough to bring out some dry wood for me. Our wood has got a bit wet, we are expecting sun for the next few days so hopefully it will dry out.

Xan was a big help unloading. Thanks guys, it is very much appreciated.
No time for down time, NYE is tomorrow...Jericho's birthday, finishing up party rest around here.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

We are too old for this LOL.

We played in the snow today, for a third day in a row. The adults are cooked...and I am over the snow now. Ready for summer. Today was a fun send off though. Feel free to go now snow LOL.

We got a little fresh snow, a lot least a foot. It was good though, yesterday was so icy and fast the new snow actually slowed the sledding down a bit.

Looks so peaceful out there.

The waiting until go hard. was pretty cold out there.

Xan, Barry and Mal started it off.

Someone forgot his new gloves.

More kiddies joined in.

It never stopped snowing, the kids...and Dads, were total troopers. The Moms chilled in the "lodge" most of the time LOL.


Go girls!

Lily and Xan got new boots, and everyone got new gloves...they have a lot more fun with the proper gear.

Little cutie!

Kitsune is an energizer bunny...never gets tired.

Catching snow flakes.

Wowzers...Haddie the snow bunny.

What a beauty. I love it when I capture the perfect shot!

Mallory broke her leg a while back, gets her cast off tomorrow...but today she needed to be carried up and down the hill. Barry did it most of the day, Jason gave him a breather a few times LOL.

Then the quads and tubes got pulled out...who gets broken first?

The trio patiently waiting for their turn.

The Moms were the first test subjects.

We survived...the Dads were the next test subjects, of course one tube got popped and Jason almost died. Not surprised Hahaha.

Once the guys had a decent track made out in the back acres they drove the kids over.

The rides begin...Lily and Hayden were saying "we're going to die" and also "If we die I want you to know I always loved you", drama queens.

Ready to rock.

So much fun!

Yeah right have a couple years to go.

Such pretty scenery.

We had a blast today...but the adults sore bodies tell us we are too old, or out of shape, to do this three days in a row. I need a break LOL. Good times with good friends though!