
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Still the one.

11 years ago Jason and I got married. It feels like we were just kids when we met in 2002. We have grown older, and wiser and closer over the years. He is my best friend and puts up with my crazy better than I deserve most of the time. I'm spoiled beyond belief. So thankful for the road that has lead us to right where we are, there is nowhere else I would rather be. XOXO.
Hayden found this guy, took a pic to show me. He is pretty cool!

Xan and Lily are loving their drama camp. Next 3 days rehearsal runs 5 hours a day...good thing I don't have to stay. Can't wait for Saturday!

Jericho asked for something to eat. I told him his Dad would be back with lunch any minute.
Jericho: "Mom we need an appetizer."
 How could I say no to these faces?

Better late than never. May the force be with you dear veggie starts LOL.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Dog Days.

Hayden rocked day 2...she still loves this sport, and goes full tilt. The high school players/assistant coaches actually remembered her from last year.

Another 2 hour rehearsal for Xander and Lily. They are getting a long way to go though, hope they have it down come Saturday.

Got home from rehearsal and decided to let the dogs cool down with a little fun in the hose. It has been hot, which I really try not to complain about. I am going to complain about the 3 week long stretch of HORRIBLE allergy days I've been having.

My two crazy Dutchies.
Lycan has been doing a good job lately...he is almost off my shit list.

They love the water...I need to take them swimming soon.
Yes, it sounds as scary as it looks...don't get in the way of those snapping jaws LOL.

So serious about their fun.

They could do this all day.

Still energy to burn.

Monday, June 26, 2017

A busy week starts.

We have a busy summer week lined up. Today starts 3 mornings of basketball camp with Hayden. This is the same camp she does every summer, the high school teams coach...and about 7 high school players run it. Hayden loves it...and it is nice to get to play some Bball. Lily and Xander had to choose to do basketball camp or a drama camp, I'm sure you know which Lily went with.

Today Lily and Xan tried out for parts in a professionally put on play called "Peter and Wendy". There were probably 100 kids there. Lily didn't get a main part so she was a bit upset, but her and Xander did get to be Lost Boys...and they have some funny lines. The kids have to be there 3 hours a day for 2 days, then 5 hours a day for the rest of the week for rehearsal, performance is this weekend. If you are local hit up The Columbia Theatre and buy tickets!

Their scripts.
Found a second nest...this one is not in a great spot.

Lycan...AKA he who can not be trusted, now has a tie out line. 60 feet should allow him to enjoy outside when I can not be right there babysitting him, making sure no rabbits get killed.
Starting to get the pool ready for the party!
Nest check today...these littles are growing fast. The two unhatched eggs have vanished, but these two look very healthy and strong.

Piggies are enjoying the nice warm has cooled just enough to be comfortable outside. Perfect weather!
Willie and Goth...Goth will be heading to the freezer this fall probably.
I am pretty sure Queen Bee is pregnant, can't wait to see how the piglets turn out!

She will be a year old in July...she is a cutie.

Lots of pigs napping.

And butt scratching LOL.

Matilda is lookig bigger...I sure hope she is pregnant, I am really looking forward to keeping a female out of this litter.

My three still to kid does are looking quite big.
This will be the 2nd freshening for Classy...she is still almost 3 weeks out, but I am liking what I am seeing so far. Can't wait to see this udder full! She has amazing genetics behind I'm not too surprised.

Heidi and Lulu are looking promising too...they are only first timers, and still have a month to go. Their udders are looking quite nice.

Can't wait for more baby goats!!