
Monday, April 30, 2018

On the mend.

Our little bottle baby is doing wonderful. A little TLC and he bounced right back, thankfully. Isn't he a handsome fella?!

Kitsune is a fantastic proud of her. The babies are growing really well!
Triton helped with today's scent training. The pups smelled their first kitten...super cute!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Great Grandpa's 89th.

Great Grandpa Frank celebrated 89 years today. He is a rock star! This year the pogo stick was a big hit at the party.
Xan is the pogo champ, he can even do it with no hands LOL.

A few gifts. Lily wrote him a little out JK!

Dessert time!

A game of croquet.
Hayden some how managed to be the last one standing. I already told her they will all be gunning for her first next time LOL.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Bottle baby.

Hayden and Jericho both had soccer games today. They found a lucky frog on the way to Hayden's field. It worked, the girls finally won one...6 to zip too!
Jericho's team did not fair so well, at least they won last week. Hayden got to ref, which she loved.

Back at home Jason went to work on some new fencing while Lycan and I babysat the goat kids during some play time.

Lycan babysat from the back of the truck.

The little girls were having a blast. Bouncing all over, even met some of the herd.

Sadly the little buckling seemed off. He was hunched up, a little chilly and felt like he hasn't put on any weight. I watched for quite a while, saw Heidi feed the little girls a few times, but when the boy would try she would move away. So to ensure he gets back to being a healthy bouncy baby we decided to pull him and bottle feed. Thankfully Heidi got him through the first week when momma milk is most important, and feedings are around the clock.

Keeping a watchful eye.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Little heart.

Kitsune is such a great momma. The pups are growing well, and right where they should be with everything. We are again doing the ENS and ESI protocols, the wee ones are taking it all well.
Bailey..purple female, has a cute little white heart mark on her chest.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Busy day today!

Another beautiful day. A girl can get used to this!
Pepe and Lycan got to meet the baby goats today. Pepe is a riot.
Pepe is 1 year old and loves to play...the kids are a tad too young for serious romp fun, but soon.

Momma Heidi takes the dogs in stride.

I would not call Lycan baby goat safe, but with supervision he does very well.

Still thinking this little gold cutie will be staying here. We have named her Cora.

So handsome.
Then there is Pepe.

He tries.

After school snack while playing with Pepe and the goats.
Hayden and Pepe adore each other. I think he is a total stinker but she loves him LOL.
Hayden had a weekday game this week. It was hot, and still no subs...they did great though. Last week they tied, today they lost by 1. Not too shabby.
I have a junky telephoto lense that came with my camera, I have never used it. It did help a little I guess.