
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Busy day...Hayden pick up, and Lily's play. Whew.

Pick up day for Hayden. The campers put on a little “show-deo”. Hayden mostly rode a gray named Nellie. Hayden loved her horse camp, she already asked to go back next year. Some pics from the "show-deo" today. She trotted the barrels like a pro, I was happy to see her gain more confidence and bump up the speed.

Next we rushed home, to get to the theatre.
Lily, as “Cook #2” did great!! I love that they do this every year. So fun! It is amazing what they accomplish in just 5 days of rehearsal. Both performances went excited for next year!

A little celebratory ice cream after!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Last kitten standing.

These two made their first trip to Dutch Bros...they were a big hit, the Shine sticker is from their adoring barista fans! 1 last kitten boy with tiny white patch on his neck. He is a total sweetheart, very friendly and talkative.
Mr. S'mores was gifted some bling, good choice Lily! He is so camera loves him.

Such a handsome fellow...and so chill. Didn't even complain when I gave him his 1st shot.

I met a cute boy 16 years ago, 4 years later I married him. Tomorrow this amazing man and I celebrate 12 years of marriage. He is my rock, he holds everything together even when I do my best to be a total PITA. He is the best partner for a crazy, demanding, bossy, stubborn gal like myself. I hope I can manage to not run him off. I love him more than I can express and am so proud of him, so blessed.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Drama queen.

Lily is doing the week long theatrical camp again. The Pied Piper this time.

A couple more weeks and Dru's babies can start heading to their new homes. 3 still looking for families.

One of our pups now calls Alaska home. She even lives part time on a boat. Lots of neat adventures coming her way!

Monday, June 25, 2018


Lily and S'mores are the cutest...she adores this kitten so much.

My old cat OJ has gotten bad about being on the counters in his old age. Since he is on his last leg we let him get away with it a lot. Of course his super skinny old ass knocks my fancy camera off the counter. Now I can't zoom in and out. I really don't have a free thousand bucks for a new camera...hopefully I can find a new lens...for less than $400. Ouch. Thankfully it still takes decent pics, just can't zoom in and out as much as I used to be able to.