
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

One more thing on the plate.

 These 4 trapped me in the arcade for a couple hours today.

Nope, we are not busy enough. Lily has joined a cheer squad. She isn’t so sure cheer is for her, but she always says that about anything new…unless it’s a Disney movie LOL.

Jericho has really been showing up at practice lately, super happy to see how hard he is trying.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Working hard.

Today’s horsey time was doing some more steering drills with the poles. I finally rode Cinder today, she was a very good girl…and opens and closes gates like she’s on auto pilot. 

Day 1 of volleyball tryouts. Hayden did pretty good, she is hoping to make the team.

Brrr softball and football practices are starting to get chilly. Summer is ending...I'm not ready.
Hayden is a bomb outfielder, but trying to learn first base now too. Making new friends everywhere she goes LOL.

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Jericho didn't get to play in his first Jamboree game today, he was so bummed. The Doctors office dated his health exam paper work for 8/27 when it actually happened the end of it looked like he didn't have the practice hours to participate. Really annoyed, but it was still fun to see him in his game gear. 

Hayden and the girls lost their first two games, they all played well…just a few edges to smooth.

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Oh yeah Kitsune is loving this. She is back to acting like her PITA self already. The cone is hitting everything, I know some duct tape patch jobs are in our near future. She has to wear this for 10 days.

Hayden and I had such a fun cow day today. Tried Cinder on gates, she already knows how to open and close them. Seeing cows get chased and roped didn’t bother her at all. She is really willing and peppy when you want it. She behaved so nice for Hayden. Think she’ll be staying here after all. Brandy did good too, just a very different horse than Cinder. She is a trail horse, easy and steady…not into all this fast cow stuff.


Friday, August 27, 2021


This is not a look of happiness. Poor girl got fixed, and is not feeling her best right now. A little peace and quiet around here LOL.

Jericho did great at practice today...he is happy for Friday practice, means two days off LOL. Came home bloody today from getting his shin stepped on by someone’s cleats. 
Hayden promised to just shoot, she is trying to take it easy on her hurt's hard for her to take it easy.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Say cheese!

Picture day and schedule pick up. Can't believe they are about to start 7th grade. 
Hayden is 5' 6 1/2" tall now...and the other two are not far behind at all. So grown up. Xan and Hayden got 3 classes together this year, Lily is a little bummed that she didn't get any with them. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Cow girls.

Played with cows today, so much fun! 3 hours in the saddle, my legs are feeling it. Hayden and I, and the horses, are new to operating the chute gates by the end we were all getting it. Such a great horsey day. The roping bug has bit both of us. 

Monday, August 23, 2021


Jericho is enjoying football, he can't wait to tackle for real. Yeah his 73 lb self is looking to pancake someone LOL.