
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hello baseball.

This is my binder of the 30 skills I need to complete during my externship. Each needs a paper written with it, and 13 of the skills need videos of me doing the skills…one needs 6 different videos. Not much clinic time this week sadly, stupid car trouble. I did get my first 3 skills submitted and approved. Many more to go.
Baseball season is on. I forgot how cold it is. Jericho's team showed up tonight, they ended up losing by 1 run but they did great.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Goaty goats.

So many babies. Jericho got to try some real fresh milk LOL. Thanks for sharing Peaches.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Thanks Rose Valley.

Last Rose Valley league games. Jericho’s team went undefeated. Xander and Hayden’s team lost one game in all…by 2 points. They had a great time…Hayden is a bit different of a player when there is no “serious team” pressure. She scored 20 points tonight. All 3 kids did great, learned, improved and had a blast. 

 Someone has his momma's eyes.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Ups and downs.

Another long day at the clinic today. Days are crazy busy, but super interesting. I'm learning a lot. 

Rose Valley Basketball league play is almost over. Hayden and Xander’s team won tonight. Hayden had 24 points. She was on fire. Last game for both their team and Jericho's team is tomorrow.

Came home to two beautiful doelings for Milly. Sadly Milly suffered a uterine prolapse during their birth and we had to put her down.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

So many goats.

Going home day for these two. Hopefully more will be going soon. I'm tired. I’m currently bottling feeding 14, with 7 more getting on the bottle soon. I think we are down to our last two moms due to kid soon.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Farm chores.

 One of my least favorite days, disbudding. I hate doing it, but so happy when it is done.

I think we are still looking good on our buckling to doeling ratio this kidding season, but Dani did put a dent in the doe lead today. Three strong boys. At least they are cute.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Busy, busy, busy.

This week at the clinic has kicked my butt good. 35 hours of the 200 done. one week, felt like a month LOL.
My mornings are nuts bottle feeding and trying to get ready. This warmer has sped up bottle warming. Peaches had a pretty little doeling yesterday right before I left for the clinic. Busy crazy day. 

Three strong bucklings for Dani today too.
No ones favorite day, shots and disbudding.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Props kids.

The triplets were invited to join the Honor Society at their school. Xander and Hayden chose to participate, so today they got to be involved in the induction ceremony.

Jericho’s Team is still undefeated they have one more game to make it through for a perfect season.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Back to work.

Finally made it to the first externship for school. 200 hours and 30 skills to complete in 10 weeks. Clinic day 1, I ended up only wearing some barium solution…could be worse LOL. Met some cute patients and observed a couple cool surgeries. Fun stuff! It's been a long time since I worked a "regular" type tired and its only Monday LOL.


Friday, March 18, 2022

Babies and more babies.

The babies are all doing well. I have been very reluctant to get excited about Heidi's remaining two kids...but I think it may be safe to say they are going to make it. We are keeping the cute spotted doeling, the little boy is very adorable too. Also doing well is Peanut, the little baby I revived with CPR. 
Still more moms due. Of course I leave for an hour today. Mom and daughter decided to kid at the same time, and both think all three babies are theirs. Guess we will be DNAing this set.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

It was a great season.

Well they didn’t come home with any trophy’s, but they did come home with the experience of playing at State…and having a blast with each other. Hayden has been playing ball with many of these girls since the second grade, my how they have all grown. I wish I could have been there, but I am so thankful for our basketball village. Thanks for another fun season guys! Now time to get into softball and baseball full swing. It never stops y'all, never. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Enjoying a little sun.

We got a short sun break today, got to take the babies out for a little romp. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Left behind.

I got told. It was on silent, and she didn't get in any trouble...but still thought I needed to be warned.

Semester 2 just about done. Starting my externship, 200 hours of hands on fun at the vet clinic. Not too shabby for an old brain learning new tricks LOL.

Hayden and Jason are off to State. I’m stuck home bottle feeding this crew, and waiting on the last 8 or 9 moms to kid. Hopefully someone will video so I can watch from home. Super bummed to not be there. Kick butt girls!