
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

First day of Middle School for the youngest.

First day of school for the little dude. Jericho is off to 6th grade. He is so excited. The trio start tomorrow. Hayden had to go in today since she is El Presidente. 
Hayden has been ready for volleyball to start since the last game last year LOL. She made the ‘A’ team for 8th grade volleyball. Surgery is in 2 weeks, hopefully she doesn’t have to miss many games. She is taking it easy, and being careful...still hoping things are minor once the surgeon gets in there so her recovery time is short.
A strange new world awaits. My coworkers are to thank (or blame LOL) for this.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Football is back!

It's that time again. Jericho's first football game of the season. The boys got their first win, everyone was so pumped. Jericho is excited for this season, he hopes to get more plays. 

Friday, August 26, 2022


Saddle time today. Hayden and Cinder are doing work schedule is keeping us from going as much as we would like though. 

Still trying to make time for school too. Up next…this class should be interesting. I am 60% done with semester 3!
New babies…SEVEN of them. They are cute! Quick glance I think it is 6 boys and 1 girl, I’ll take a better look in a few days. Willow is such a happy and proud momma.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Hayden has taken a break from drawing anime, she has been dabbling with charcoal and water colors. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Growing well.

Energy burning without over heating, careful balancing act with these three during these hot days. Lycan and Kitsunes diets are going well...slimming down pretty well. 
Spent some more time out with the goats today. This years babies are growing well, they are almost the same size as last years babies already. Still have 4 left looking for new herds.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sweet Skeet.

 Love this girl, she is enjoying this years babies.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Never know what you are going to get.

I love my job. Every day is new, usually exciting. Today was cute Corgi puppy day. 
Also got to pull out my first quills at the clinic today. Strangely fun LOL.