
Friday, April 24, 2009

4 month check up*

Back from our 4 month check up...though they are 4 1/2 months old now. Xander is a whopping 15.4lbs and 24 1/4' That is 25th percentile for height and 50-75th for weight, but adjusted he is in the 90th for ht. and 95th for wt.!!! Hayden is 14.1lbs and 23 1/2' 10-25th for ht. and 50th for wt, adjusted is 75-90th for ht. and 95th for wt.! Lily is 13.4lbs and 24' 25-50th for ht. and wt. adjusted she is at the 95th for both! The Pedi is blown away...we don't have to go back (except for RSV shots) until 6 months!

Our clingy Miss Lily has joined her siblings in their room...I loved co-sleeping but it's so nice to have my own bed again!!

Best of all, last night they slept from 10pm-8:30am...I think this is the start of a beautiful thing :) They are doing pretty good on tummy time, they have awesome head control. Lots of huge smiles and real laughing yet. Xander has a little tooth bud on the bottom so looks like he will be teething soon.

Stats run down

Birth.... 31 weeks 2 days

Xander 3lbs 12oz, 16 1/2 NICU 35 days
Hayden 3lbs 15oz, 17 1/2 NICU 26 days
Lily 3lbs 7oz, 18 1/4 NICU 33 days

5 weeks...

Xander 5lbs 14oz, 18 1/2
Hayden ...Don't have...
Lily 5lbs 5oz, 18 3/4
3 months....

Xander 10lbs 8oz, 21 1/4
Hayden 9lbs 9oz, 21
Lily 9lbs 4oz, 20 1/2

4 1/2 months...

Xander 15.4lbs and 24 1/4
Hayden 14.1lbs and 23 1/2
Lily 13.4lbs and 24

Some passed out babies...cuz that's always fun :)

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