
Saturday, April 25, 2009

4/25/09 March for Babies

Our family walked 6.2 miles, yes that is MILES people :), today for the March of Dimes "March for Babies" walk. Seeing as the triplets were born at 31 weeks weighing in the 3lb range and spent about a month in the NICU it was something we had to do. We made great time, even with both of us being really out of shape, we walked it in an hour and a half! The babies were so good didn't fuss even once, and we were very lucky that the rain held off until we were driving home.
A friend ended up seeing us before the walk got under way so we had people to walk with


  1. Congratulations on making it through the 6 miles! :)

  2. What fun!

    Found you from your link at APA!

    The trips are getting SO big!
