
Saturday, April 25, 2009

6 1/2mo check up and NICU visit

A lot has been going on over the last couple weeks. The babies are getting so strong, they are rolling like crazy, trying to sit up for longer periods, they love standing up while we hold their hands. They have started trying to reach up a little for us to pick them's not fully there yet but I can tell what they are trying to do.

We went back to visit my MFM Doctor, the labor and delivery wing I lived on for almost 7 weeks, and the NICU the babies lived at for a month. It was awesome to go back, so many fond and not so fond memories there, they couldn't believe how big the babies have gotten.

1/30/09 6 month check up...Even though they are 6 1/2 months now we had their 6 mo appt today. They did great and the Pedi is thrilled with their growth. Won't go back until they are 9 months. Hayden has two bottom teeth that should be out in a day or two and Lily has one upper tooth that will be joining her two bottom teeth very very soon.

Stat Run Down
Birth.... 31 weeks 2 days

Xander 3lbs 12oz, 16 1/2" NICU 35 days
Hayden 3lbs 15oz, 17 1/2" NICU 26 days
Lily 3lbs 7oz, 18 1/4" NICU 33 days

5 weeks...
Xander 5lbs 14oz, 18 1/2"
Hayden ...Don't have...
Lily 5lbs 5oz, 18 3/4"

3 months....
Xander 10lbs 8oz, 21 1/4"
Hayden 9lbs 9oz, 21"
Lily 9lbs 4oz, 20 1/2"

4 1/2 months...

Xander 15.4lbs and 24 1/4" That is 25th percentile for height and 50-75th for weight, but adjusted he is in the 90th for ht. and 95th for wt.!!!
Hayden 14.1lbs and 23 1/2" 10-25th for ht. and 50th for wt, adjusted is 75-90th for ht. and 95th for wt.!
Lily 13.4lbs and 24" 25-50th for ht. and wt. adjusted she is at the 95th for both!

Almost 5 months....
Xan 16lbs
Hayden 15lbs
Lily 14lbs
6 1/2 months

Xander 18lbs 26 1/2" 50-75th percentile weight (95th adjusted) 50th % for length and head (90th adj)
Hayden 16 1/2lbs 25 1/2" 75th % weight (95th adj) 25-50th % length and head (75-90th adj)
Lily 16lbs 25 1/4" 50th % weight (90-95th adj) 25th % length (75th adj)75-90th % head (95th adj)

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