
Saturday, April 25, 2009

3/13/09 Vegas solo

I took a trip to Vegas to see my sister and new niece today....believe me I did not love flying on Friday the 13th. I will be gone 4 days, I am so sad and will miss the babies so much....already do. Jason stayed home with the babies and, other than my brother who came over for about 7 hours one day and a friend of his who stopped by for about 4 hours a nother day, pretty much flew solo the whole 4 days. He did awesome...even put out a small house fire, how something full of water can catch on fire is beyond me (our 45gal fish tank). He sent me a short video of the babies to my of the sweetest things he has ever done even though it made me cry. Just before I left I took a bunch of pics of me and the kiddos...just in case.

I loved seeing my sis and new niece, had a great time...but never wanted my crazy days back so badly. The babies were sooo happy to see me, and I them!

Some pics of Rowan with her Auntie :)

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