
Friday, April 24, 2009

Late October 08

Oh no...our first cold...
My poor babies are sick....Jason gave us all his cold :(
Hayden was not breathing so great so we took her into the ER after
doing xrays and and RSV test, which thankfully came back neg., we were
released. They are congested, coughing and sneezing...poor little suckers. It's not even the end of October....I hope this is not the start of a sick winter.

Momma and Xander Me with my girlzzz

10/26 3 1/2 months!!
Where does the time go, they are now into size 1 diapers and filling out 0-3 month clothes. Xander is probably 11lbs and the girls are probably 10lbs. They have started to smile so much over the last couple of weeks, and I am getting more sleep thank goodness. They all have really good head control and can sit up if they are propped a little.

So I was off...Xander is 12lbs and the girls are just about 11!! Oh my goodness!

Happy first Halloween!
We didn't have costumes for them and didn't take them out, but we had fun and took a couple festive pics.

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