
Friday, April 24, 2009

Near 3 month check up*

So we had our 3mo check up today...well it was our 2mo as well. The babies are doing really great!! We will be starting limited vaccines at 6 or 9 months...I think.

Xander is now 10lbs 8oz, 21 1/4' long. Taking 2 months off for his adjusted age he is up around the 95th percentile.
At 5 weeks he was 5lbs 14oz, 18 1/2' long. At birth he was 3lbs 12oz, 16 1/2' long.

Hayden is now 9lbs 9oz, 21' long. Minus the 2 months she is in about the 90th percentile.
At birth she was 3lbs 15oz, 17 1/2' long.

Lily is now 9lbs 4oz, 20 1/2' long. By her adjusted age she is in about the 80th percentile.
At 5 weeks she was 5lbs 5oz, 18 3/4' long. At birth she was 3lbs 7oz, 18 1/4' long.

On a side note yesterday was my 30th birthday :)

Babies in the hats Auntie Allie had made for them
Some big first smiles

So I am pretty worn down and grouchy come Friday...after being on my own all week while DH is at work. Thank goodness he is so much help when he is here...the weekends are my days off for the most part. They got to meet their great Aunts from Florida this week...coming from a small family it's pretty cool these guys will have more than I did!I finally got started on their baby books and a photo album. The album is almost full already so looks like it may take 3 more to get through the first year LOL Thanks so much for sharing them with you all!

Jason's sis Stacie with the trio. Hubby's dad and aunts.

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