So I was stuck in the hospital for 6 weeks....go home for 1 day and wham. Just after a nap and then a late dinner at home Friday night about 8:45 ish baby B, Hayden, decided she wanted to break her water and get the ball rolling. After a few moments of panic, crying I'm not ready, I can't do this (C-section fears mostly) we rushed off to the hospital....our 24 hours of freedom was awesome. On 7-12-08 between 12:18-12:20 am at 31 weeks 2 days the babies were born by C-section.
Lily Isabella was the last one out....3lbs 7oz, 18 1/4 long
I got to be wheeled by each them in my bed on my way to recovery. Then on my way to my room they wheeled me by them and I got to hold Xander and Hayden for just a moment, they were still breathing pretty good but shortly after my visit they went on CPAP also. Lily was having a little more trouble right off and was already on CPAP so we didn't get to hold her.
I was totally wrecked but started pumping right after my C-section and couldn't sleep more than a few hours....I wanted to go see them right away.
Here is some video of our first visits to the NICU
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