
Thursday, April 23, 2009

The results are in

Drum roll please..3/20/08
At 15 weeks we found out we are having

* two hamburgers one hot dog!!!* All three are very healthy and growing normally, still measuring a week a head.We were hoping for 2 boys and 1 girl but are happy with whatever as long as they are healthy. We had a bit of a scare....they started on baby A and the cord then the hands were in the way so they moved on with a promise to try again. Baby B...bam girl, baby C...bam girl. I asked about 10 times if they were sure and exactly how sure....99% very very sure was the answer every time. They went back to baby A and still couldn't she said they had to do an internal u/s to check my cervix and would try to see with that. So after checking my cervix and happily telling me it looks awesome 'a cervix of steel' she tried again to find out what baby has.....she and my Doctor both exclaimed I see it we have a peepee!!!!!!! Hubby and I were very happy...the thought of 3 girls....oh man LOL

So introducing.....

Xander Dominic

Hayden Cheyenne

Lily Isabella

Some how knowing the sex makes it so much more real

I am starting to get at 16 weeks

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