
Monday, June 29, 2009

3 years of marriage...

And I am more happy and more in love as time goes by. We got married in Vegas the day after my little sisters wedding, we had some family there and got to have a huge party when we got back home to Oregon. We didn't get to take a honeymoon so our 1 year anniversary we went to Maui and counted that as our honeymoon/1st anniversary celebration. Our second anniversary was spent in my hospital room, I was on about week 4 of my 6 weeks of hospital bed rest. This year we have our beautiful triplets and are happy to spend the day at home with our little family.

Can't wait to see what our next year together holds.




Pic coming soon! I snap a bazillion pics of our kids but almost never get pics of us LOL Well here we are about 2 weeks after our anniversary.

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