
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Babies 1st concert...sort of LOL

So I just treated the babies to a home concert. I performed Cher's If I could Turn Back Time, including holding a fake microphone, dancing about, pointing, reaching for the stars and all the other theatrics! I now have serious concerns for my children's hearing....they were enjoying it way too much. They were bobbing, throwing up their arms, I am sure if they had access to lighters there would have been three little flames waving. When I was done Lily clapped...I am so not kidding all on her own as soon as I finished singing. I have no video of this as I know I suck and only dare to share my voice with my poor babies who can't yet tell me to stop or joke about me with others :)

1 comment:

  1. I think a video of their next concert is needed :-)
