
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My husband...I couldn't ask for more!*

The last couple of days I have been posting on my boards about how awesome my hubby is, and it made me come to the conclusion there needs to be a Husband's Day...much like Father's Day, but for those guys that really rock LOL Kids are stressful, multiples come with an even higher divorce rate than average, yet Jason comes off as a man who was born to do this. The whole J&K+8 drama makes me sad, and a little worried...I don't want to end up at that point ever. I am so thankful and lucky I have Jason, little did I know when I met him in 2002 at a club, the first time I had ever been drunk in my life hahaha...that he would end up being my husband and partner in life. I really need to try harder to be as good to him as he is to me. He does so much, totally 50/50 with baby duty and housework at home, and works so many 12 and 16 hour shifts to keep bills paid. Y'all he is truly my hero, and there is no way I could do this without him. He has a sweet and thoughtful side...though like most men he sometimes needs a prod in the right direction LOL Just yesterday we were, all 5 of us, laying in the babies play yard. The babies were dozing, Xan on me, Lily on Jason, and Hayden in her bouncy. Jason reached out his hand to me and we laid there on the floor covered in babies holding hands. It's the little things sometimes that keep us going. My love, thank you for all that you are and everything you do!

A look back at us over the last few years...

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