
Monday, June 1, 2009

Poor Lily is not doing so hot

Lily has not been doing so hot since Friday 5/29. We had dinner guests and Jason made blackened Cajun Tilapia and filled the house with smoke. We were all coughing and had to open all the windows to air the house out, the next morning we had another smoke incident while making breakfast. Since then Lily has been wheezy and coughy and it seems to be getting worse. I called the Doctor Sunday to make an appt for Monday but they said since she was a preemie and already at risk for lung stuff to not wait. I took her in and they did a treatment of Albuterol and sent us home with some. Doc said she could be just starting to show signs of Asthma or it could be due to the smoke. So we are doing a couple puffs every 4-6 hours for a few days and see how it goes. Then today she was worse so we had to rush her back to the Doctor this morning. She woke up at 3am and was laboring so hard to breathe we were really scared, we gave her an Albuterol treatment which helped a little until 6am when we called the on call service. The Doctor made time to see her at 8am, she was taking about 60 breaths per min and her O2 stats were down to 90. They sent her off for a chest xray, which thankfully came back fine. So they sent her home on Prednisone for 5 days in addition to the Albuterol. Tonight she is still breathing fast but not as hard, but then she started a little temp of 100. She is not eating well at all, I got her to take maybe 12ozs today and a half of a yogurt, yesterday was about the that of course goes along with like 1 wet diaper every 8 hours. So we have to take her back tomorrow at 9am. I am not sure what the heck is going on and I don't think the Doctor really knows either...I would have thought smoke inhalation would be getting better by now. Please keep Lily in your thoughts and prayers we are so worried about her. Jason feels so horrible for maybe causing all this with cooking the Tilapia...and I feel horrible for requesting it.

Adding todays news: Her appt today went better, her O2 stats were back up to about 94 and she is way more alert. She is still laboring but somewhat less, and she is still taking a lot of breaths per min. but the Doc feels the improvement is a good sign. She is still not very interested in food, so far she has taken maybe 4 oz of formula and half a yobaby yogurt today, she has lost 5oz at this point...hope she starts eating again soon. We are on pred. through Friday and the Albuterol for at least another week.

Update: Lily is doing much better today 6/3 I think another couple of days and she will be good as new.

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