
Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 2 with the nephew.

We went back to Grandma's house to swim and have a BBQ....everyone got wore out LOL
Lily was showing off her love of being tossed in the air by daddy, B kept trying to get Gangster in the pool but he wouldn't come near, Xander would have rather been on land...he is sooo close to walking he wants to practice all the time, and Hayden wanted to be held in the water. Some pics of the day :)
The girls all ready to go.

Having some snacks with Grandma and Xan working on his standing.

Xander and Hayden with daddy.

Lily high flying...she LOVES this, I wish I had video so you could hear her laughs :)
G trying to find some shade.
Like I said, it wore everyone out LOL

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