
Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's All Happening At The Zoo

Our bunch hit the zoo today, B said he hadn't been in many many years so a lot of the updates were totally new to him. Many more animals were out this time that we didn't get to see when we went last month. It was a perfect day for it about 78 with a gentle breeze, I only wish we had gotten there a little earlier so we had more time to stroll. We were given a membership for Jason and I as part of the babies Bday gifts so we will be able to go a lot more often! B had a great time and we got lots of goofy pics LOL

Some of the animals we saw...

Lily has seen all the attention Hayden gets with her cheese factory smiles and has started to cheese a little bit herself...she is so adorable. Hayden has figured out how to bounce a ball she can also bouce it to us and then we bounce it back while she screams with joy :)

We have gotten a couple people who want to see the pups...they will be ready for new homes in about 3 weeks. They are major PITAs but I can already tell I am going to be really picky with where they go.

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