
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our first Music Together class!!!

A full day of fun and excitement over here. A few of our multiples group momma's got together today at a Music Together class. It was so much fun and the babies had such a great time, especially Miss Hayden! She is really into music, it captures her full attention. For most of the hour long class she went and sat right next to the teacher, intently watching as she sang, played the guitar, harmonica, and brought out fun instruments for the kids to play with. Xander was up and walking all around the room, very curious about everyone and everything. Hayden was also all over but when the music started she would rock back and forth, dance, and snap her fingers to the music. Lily is more serious, she enjoyed herself but did not get as into it all like her brother and sister did. Lots of pics...

Getting ready to go...

My little hunk :)

Hayden was NOT in the mood for any pics once we got her dressed. She is at that stage where if you are making her do something she doesn't want to do she has a full melt down. This girl is going to be hell on wheels I fear, she has a total cow when she doesn't get her way. Here she is fighting dad while he is trying to dress her.

Miss LilyBug

Music class fun!!!

Hayden perked up right away, walked in the room with a huge smile for everyone...then proceeded to lift up her dress LOL

Then we came home and had dinner...the trio's first taste of chili and cornbread. They loved it so much they were in need of a quick kitchen sink rinse LOL.

Then they got on some of their new PJ's and played with mom and dad until bed time :)


  1. Sooo Cute! So is everyone walking now? Hayden was close when we met and the pics look like she is. Luv the fact that she lets a crowd know when she walks into a Hope to see you soon.

  2. So cute, His new pj's are to die for where did you get them.

  3. Thanks guys :)
    Yup, we have 3 walkers...eekkk LOL
    The PJs are from Carter's.
