
Saturday, October 10, 2009

1st time to the Pumpkin Patch with the 3 Little Pigs!!!

A couple weeks ago I decided we should take the triplets to their first Pumpkin Patch, I picked a day and a time and sent out a mass email to see if anyone wanted to join us. Grandma, Auntie Stacie, Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber all came with us. We also meet up with my dear friend Gayle and her 4 year old triplets! Little did I know I had picked what was to be the last nice day in October. It was beautiful today, we could not have asked for better weather...but man was it packed! Last night I thought it would be fun to let the trio wear their Halloween costumes today to the patch. Wow, I had no idea how much more attention 3 Little Pigs would bring than the usual craze triplets in a choo choo cause. Walking through the parking lot everyone driving in was already pointing and smiling at us, as soon as we got in we were attacked and it didn't stop until we left. We had no less than 10 people ask if they could take pictures of our kids and 4 others that didn't bother to ask and just snapped away. It was wild, we are pretty used to it by now but this was just unbelievable. We still had a great time and everyone was very nice and just a sweet as can be about the trio.
We started off with the trio's first Hayride, followed by a quick stop in the little animal barn. After that Grandma got the babies some corn on the cob and we all walked one of the maze's, then we hit up the pumpkin patch. When we were done there it was time to go, the troops had been really really good but we were starting to lose them. It had been almost 2 1/2 hours and they were due for their nap. On our way out a lady stopped us, she said I know you hate this but I have triplets too...sorry to say, that does make it better LOL Her girls were about 8 and we got pics of the two sets of triplets :) After 2 1/2 hours of taking pics I came home with over 200...I did my best to narrow them down, so below are about 50 of the really good ones! What a fun I need a nap LOL
Getting the 3 lil piggies inside and inline for the hayride.

On the hayride!

Munching their corn on the way into the maze.
The start of the maze
The only pup to stay in the family...Annie, now Oakley...came too.
The end...we made it through in 20 min!

Fun with the pumpkins!!!

The other sets of triplets that were there today :)

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