
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flu shots suck!

Jason and I got our flu shots today, we NEVER get them but decided to this year to help protect the babies...who won't be getting them. My arm is sore and but the nurse did a good job and it didn't hurt at all. Jason on the other hand is already feeling crappy, he said this happened the one other time he got the flu shot...hope he is feeling better soon. Awesome news of the day...I am 14 lbs down, go me!!!

Grandma came over to watch the trio while Jason and I went out to get the shots, we also stopped for a little lunch. It was nice to get out just the two of us...funny enough we don't do that too often :) The kiddos napped the whole time we were gone so Grandma stayed for their lunch time, and was very happy that when it came time for her to go Lily got upset. Lily and Grandma are working on patty cake, Lily is getting closer, Hayden loves to clap, and Xan...well he loves to scream. He does have a cute new skill, if he is trying to hand you something and you are not taking it he will grab your hand turn it palm up and place the item in your hand, it is the cutest thing!!! Bug, our resident adrenalin junkie, has been getting very whiny these days if dad stops tossing her about or hanging her up side down or engaging my daughter in other death defying activities that she LOVES. I don't know what we are going to do with that silly girl. Some pics...

Lily trying to rip off daddy's band aid.

Jason got a little carried away taking pics of my band aid :)

High flying Lily...happy as a clam.

Grounded Bug=unhappy Bug.

Trying to make it better with a kiss...

Not helping...very serious Bug.

Hayden says...Dad what does your shirt say...lemme see... says "Rub my wiener for good luck" sad thing is I bought it for him LOL

Hayden and Momma snuggles...awwww

My pretty girl....she was gonna kiss the camera :)

Xan wasn't feeling too photogenic today.

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