
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yeehaw...done with the bottles!*

Today is day three with no bottles, the triplets haven't even missed them. I think we held this off more than they did, as long as they are getting their meal they don't care if there is a nipple involved or not. Jason is so happy to be off bottle duty, he was dang good at it and really made my job so much easier from day one! They are now on half formula and half whole milk in their sippy's, they are still getting about 12 or so oz of formula a day each, and we still have to warm the milk a little. Maybe that be the next step to go, I hope the kiddos don't think milk is always supposed to be warm eww! I think we have another couple weeks of formula then it will be straight milk. The trio have been getting 3 full meals per day for a while now and seem to be loving it, it is getting hard to not duplicate the same meals. I wonder just how much variety 15 month olds need LOL? We are also down to usually 3 diaper changes each per day, sometimes 4....but hey going through 9-12 diapers a day vs. 30+ is soooo nice! We also started talking about getting the house baby proofed and maybe taking down the baby jail pretty soon....that is going to be insane! Our babies are so not babies anymore, almost time for a new one ;)

Some pics of the sippy action!!!
Look Ma no hands LOL
Lily is really getting into her new piano, check out her cute little dance moves :)

I was trying to get them all doing the touchdown, it didn't quite work...hopefully we can get it before the season is over.

Here is a little video of just how crazy our cat OJ is, SunnyD and Woosaw will not step foot in the shark tank but OJ hops in all the time. This time he was in for 7+min but I kept the video under 2 :)

1 comment:

  1. I need to email you with all my questions. We are trying to skip one bottle in the AM and I put milk in bottles for their 2 naps to get them used to the taste. They love their sippy's, but with water only.

    Do you give them snacks? i read that they need 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks, but with a bottle at nap time that's eating ALL day long! I was wondering what your eating schedule is?
