
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble Till You Wobble

We have so much to be thankful for, we are so blessed!!! Thanksgiving was at my brother Rick's house this year, his sister in law Tia and my nephews Tyler and Brandon, my other brother Scott and his girlfriend Amber, Tyler's friend Tyler H. and "Grandma" Boonie were all in attendance. The triplets came in their Thanksgiving best but before long ended up in sleepers. They had a great time, ate lots, and best of all weren't too big a pains :) The food was fantastic, my sister in law in some cook, though I seriously kept myself in check LOL. We headed home a tad early but all three babies have little colds so we needed to get em home. We missed our family and friends that couldn't be there...hope everyone had a Happy, and safe, Thanksgiving!!!

Lots of pics of our 4 hours of fun!!!
Before we left our house I had to get pics of Lily in her darling little dress.

The trio were a tad shy when we first got there but soon they were at home and into everything. At least nothing got broken :)
And they're least we had plenty of people to chase them down, in three different directions.

Uncle Scott rounded up Xan and Lily Bug for a couple pics...Hayden was not interested what so ever.
Uncle Rick playing with Lil.

Some before dinner entertainment :)

The spread...yummy! My nephews enjoyed giving toasts :)
The trio got in on the grub this year...such a big change in them from last year!
My brothers and I :)
Tyler H. ready to kick off the next Holiday!!!

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