
Saturday, December 12, 2009

17 Months old and they didn't remember Santa at all LOL

The trio are 17 months old today...WOW! Jason jumped on our scale with them last night and looks like Xan and Hayden are 28 1/2 lbs and Lily is almost 27 lbs! Can not believe they are almost a year and a half old, time flies when you are having fun!

We thought it would be fun to go see the Big Guy today, why do we torture ourselves and our kids...why? LOL. There was a lot to look at, they had a full scene with all the reindeer and a bunch of elves...everything was automated and moved. We had a one hour wait in line, the trio did really great until the last 10 min or so of the wait. During that hour Jason and I were telling ourselves it was going to be a disaster and to just get used to the idea now and not freak out. Well we weren't wrong LOL I think this is one of the few pics we have were all three are having a total melt down :) Lily started crying just looking at Santa, Hayden started when we sat her on his lap, and Xander was too busy crying to even move...he was like frozen. It was $50 for a CD of the 10 pics they took, in line we had planned to go that route but once we saw the pics we were like yeah don't need $50 worth of crying babies Hahaha so we picked just one for $17 and got the heck out of there. I hope next year they are more into Santa, I think we should have had them watch some Santa movies over the last few days, maybe then they wouldn't have freaked :)
The setup at Santa Land

Really cool train set

Santa time...

Last year...just for fun

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