
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Another day of Christmas for the trio!!!

Uncle Rick and Cousin Tyler came over for dinner and gift opening today! Unfortunately Auntie Tia and Cousin Brandon couldn't make it, but we had a fun time. The trio are getting pretty good at opening gifts, though they still seem to be a tad more into the paper than what's inside LOL. This has been 3 solid days of presents...I hope the babies haven't gotten too used to it, the gravy train is over, for now :)

They got this cool bear...and Hayden proceeded to make out with it LOL

The girls got their very own purses :)

Xander got a great monster dump truck that his sisters like just as much as he does :)
Uncle Rick helping him open it.

Thank you EVERYONE for being so kind and generous to the trio and our family this Christmas. XOXOXO


  1. I like Hayden's purse! You guys made a haul this year! We're coming to your house to play when we're tired of our toys over here! Haha!
