
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

We had our Christmas at Grandma's tonight. It went great, the trio were pretty good and got so many fun gifts. They participated a lot more this year, even ripped the wrapping paper off some of their own gifts...and thankfully they didn't try to eat any, that I saw :) We did end up being out a little past their bed time so they did not go down for the night well at all. Poor Jason is putting together their play kitchen right now, it has 33 steps and 53 pieces....I think we are going to be getting to bed late tonight :)

Lots of pics of tonight!!!

Christmas Eve dinner time :)

Gangster and Sakari's pup was there...she is getting so big!

Some excited babies getting ready for gift time!

Lily has a big smile for her Uncle Chris

Hayden and Xander entertain the group :)

Xan trying to get into stuff...of course

First gift opening

I started helping them open gifts. These stufties from Gandpa were a huge hit.

Hayden piled them up and then rolled around on them LOL

Hayden got a jump start playing with the musical toys they got from Auntie Stacie and Grandpa...they are going to be a huge hit in our house!

Lily giving Xans work bench a little test

The girls first tea set from Grandma :)

Another hit...triplets baby dolls from Grandma.

Playing with stuff when we got home

Lily trying out her drums...she was rockin it!

Xan is ready for bed....ha me too
Merry Christmas to all!!!

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