
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Test run of a new Holiday tradition!

Jason asked me yesterday if chocolate chip pancakes would be OK for a Christmas morning breakfast. We don't give the trio sweets or chocolate ever, but I told him that sounded like a fun family Christmas morning tradition to start. I mentioned to him that he should make them this morning for a trial run, if the chocolate was going to make them crazed all day we may have to do something else Christmas morning. So here are some pics of their first taste of chocolate chip pancakes, it was messy but they didn't go nuts all day so I think we are safe.

Pretty clean start

Not so clean at the end LOL

We had our first chicken out moment today. We packed up the trio to take them to the Zoo for the Zoo lights train ride around all the exhibits. I wanted to get there at 5:30 but we were about a half hour late and when we pulled up it was packed. I looked out my window and thought about the cranky late for dinner babies who had peacefully nodded off in the back and told Jason to take us home. I was so not ready to deal with lines and I knew the trio would wake up hungry and if we didn't get on the train right away we would have melt down central. We are going to try again tomorrow...hopefully we actually make it in to the Zoo LOL

We did come home and have some fun play time on the floor doing the Little Einstein's pat clap pat clap blast off :)

Hayden is lucky we have big dogs :)

Aww my sweet hubby texted this into a TV station XOXOX

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