
Sunday, January 10, 2010

First couple days of the remodel.

A lot of remodel progress was made this weekend, I wish it was done already...3 weeks is going to feel like forever! I am so silly, one of the biggest things I am excited for it to paint LOL I am also excited to get us moved in the new room, then paint and decorate our old room for the trio.
Xander's eye seems to be done getting worse, now I think it is on it's way to getting better. The girls have been chasing each other back and forth in the living room every night this week, they really love that game LOL. Lily has started saying bye bye and waving, so cute.
I am making some progress on the 2nd blog is slow going though.
Remodel pics.

My beautiful blue eyed boy...that shiner is starting to go away.
My their brothers sleepers LOL.
Giving loves.

Bug taking Xanders truck out for a spin. They loves chasing after each other with this car.
Yes, this is Gangster trying to sleep in the trios chairs.

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