
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Houston, we have a problem!

We are in trouble now, Xander has perfected getting over the baby gate. He can now do it in about 3 seconds flat, without falling 90% of the time...great! My day just got even harder :)
Caught in the act.
Tossing out the loot to his accomplices.
Who take it and book.
Dad got home from work just in time to bust Xander.
The little turd bit Jason in the face the first time he went and grabbed him out, he got a serious talking to, by the 3rd time he was biting himself LOL.

He eventually gave up on getting back in there and went to play with his sisters.


  1. hi! I'm not sure if you're interested but we have the "metal 3 in 1 superyard"... Look it up on Toys R US or Babies R Us website under gates... It only has vertical bars... Might make it more of a challenge for Xan and buy you some time :)

  2. Oh man, that's funny! What a guy!
