
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Date night!

I had such a great time last night. Jason and I went out to a concert with my brother and his girlfriend, while Grandma watched Xan, Hayden and Lily. We decided to take the MAX (light rail system) and meet up for dinner then hit the show. I am not a fan of public transportation, and this was my first time on the MAX. Not a great day for my maiden voyage, there were actually a lot of people going to the concert and we were packed in like sardines. I kept telling everyone to be on the look out for a pale bald guy, as this would be a perfect setting for an episode of Fringe. Dinner was great and then it was off to the show. I knew it was going to be good but, Billy Joel and Elton John put on a damn good show, it was FREAKING AWESOME!!! They did all of their hits and most of the 3 1/2 hour long concert was them singing and playing pianos at the same time, almost a dueling piano thing! The only thing that sucked was stupid me didn't bring a back up battery for my camera so I didn't get to record even close to all of my favs. I did get a few so if you feel like hearing some they are below.
They were both fabulous but I had no idea Billy was such a showman, making jokes with the crowd, being crazy with Elton, even jumping on his piano; he has some moves for a 60 year old...he was awesome. When he started "We Didn't Start the Fire" he said "if anyone knows this one sing along, I may have a senior moment and forget the words." Then when it was over he pointed to one of the fans up front and said "This guy, 'mumble mumble mumble we didn't start the fire'...thanks for the help, everyone knows that part" LOL he was so funny! Even made a crack when he was done singing "Always A Woman to Me" he said "no wonder we got divorced, there was something wrong there" LMAO. I highly recommend seeing them if they come to your area...I would go again in a hot second!

Today was Xander's second EI appt, it went well. Mister Man thinks he is so big and strong trying to hug and pick up O.J. is not enough, for the last 3 or 4 days he has been hugging and trying to pick up Lily. She giggles and laughs for a min but then she wants him to leave her alone so she tries to hit him or bite him LOL He has made them both fall a couple times, silly boy.

Blogger has been having some video issues, seems they need to fix things before I can upload videos. In the future if you come across one that doesn't work please let me know so I can report it.

The whole place was filled!

Some music...comming soon.

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

It's My Life

Tiny Dancer

Your Song

I'm Still Standing

Candle In The Wind

A couple pics of the kiddies :)

Xander trying to manhandle Lily. An episode of The Doctors was on and a photo of a victim in Haiti was on the TV in this pic...I felt I should black it out.

Miss Hayden making faces :)

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