
Thursday, March 11, 2010

The boob tube.

The kiddos were very happy to see the new TV today. The Geek Squad came and mounted it for us, it looks really nice. I am glad we went with the 42" instead of the 46" we almost bought, this thing is huge. We got a stand with glass doors so we could put the DVR, Wii etc in there safely away from destructive toddler hands. Unfortunately it didn't come with a way to lock the doors so Jason is going to have to come up with something. Duct tape was already tried and so far failed :) It is nice to have the gate down but so far I have spent a lot of my time chasing Xander away from the new stand.

Some will have to excuse the cable duct taped to the wall, according to my husband this is temporary and he will be putting it in the wall, we'll see how long that takes :)
Xander getting into mischief right away.

Lily Bug too...his little side kick.

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