
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Family planning.

We wanted to keep this hush hush, until we could announce the happy news. However things aren't going as planned, do they ever? So now I really just want a place to vent, and share our next journey on the STC ride and get support. Jason and I have decided to try for our last child! We would like to have this child before we get too far out of the baby stage with the trio, we don't want to have to start all over. I also plan to wait until the kids are in school before I start the nursing program, so it would be better to not wait too long. Plus we worry if the trio is much older than #4, he or she will feel left out of their clique. I knew very early that for me our family was not yet complete. When the triplets were still in the NICU I told Jason that I didn't feel done, and would like to do it all again. A triplet pregnancy is not exactly "normal," I spent my last 6 weeks of pregnancy in a hospital bed and then gave birth 9 weeks early, so I feel cheated out of 4 months of my pregnancy. Throw on top of that all the baby firsts and precious time we missed because they spent a month in the NICU. My vision of being a new mom and spending those first weeks with my children did not include CPAP's, isolettes, IV's, feeding tubes and nurses taking care of my babies. For 3 days all we could do was touch their tiny hands or feet through a small hole in their isolettes, once we could hold them it was only for one hour a day each. I would just like a do-over...not that that is my only reason for wanting another child but it is on my mind in a big way.

Most know it was hard for us to conceive the triplets, we have fertility challenges and had to jump through some hoops. We went through 6 IUI's (intrauterine inseminations) in total, after the first three failed we started taking 100mg of Clomid (or bitch pills as my husband so eloquently calls them...OK they do cause some moodiness LOL) to help boost our chances. When #5 didn't work we decided to try Clomid one more time, but we also went ahead and bought some injectable meds to move forward with if IUI #6 failed too. IUI number 6 actually did work, thank goodness, and we got pregnant with the triplets.

This time around we were really hopeful that if we followed the same protocol that we did for IUI #6 we would have success right away. We have now had 3 tries not work out so we are going to move on to the injectable meds that we bought before. My RE (reproductive specialist) is starting me out on the lowest dose and will follow me very closely with ultrasounds. I will be monitored every couple of days to do all we can to ensure we don't get high order multiples again, however there is a risk of that when taking fertility meds, it's a risk Jason and I have discussed and are willing to take.
We know 3 children is enough for many families, we know that taking fertility meds is not for everyone and we know that not everyone would choose to go down the path that we plan to. We hope to have the full support of our family and friends. I warn everyone now...if you have negative feelings or are feeling judgmental about our choice please keep it to yourself. I love my children, they are the reason I was born I am sure of it...I can't wait to welcome our new family member.
So here we go again...


  1. I'm here right along with you, girl! I feel the same you do with wanting a singleton pg. We are transferring just one embryo in April. We could do two, but with placenta previa, it's a risk I don't want to take again. A big family is such a blessing! Can't wait to hear good news! I'll keep you in our prayers! email me if you want to chat! This is very exciting!

  2. Thank you so much! I am so glad some out there not only understand, but are even in my shoes with wanting another after multiples! Good luck with your transfer...hopefully we both get lucky :) XOXOX

  3. Oh, man! I laughed so hard at your 'bitch pills.'

    Your kids are ADORABLE. . .found you on Multiples network.

    Good luck getting #4 here!

  4. You know I'm in your corner cheering you on!

    Wishing, hoping, and praying you are blessed again soon!

  5. I hope you don't get a lot of grief from people, too. I'm sure you've already received the "you aren't having any more, right?" comments from total strangers - get ready. :)
    And it's so fun having four - good luck!

  6. Thanks so much for the support you guys!

    Oh yes, we have got the "you are done right" comments since I was pregnant and found out we were having 1 boy 2 girls LOL

  7. Katrina, my fingers are starting to cramp up from being crossed for you guys! I hope it happens soon for you and for what its worth I think you and Jason are great parents and I envy how easy you make it look! Best of luck!

  8. After my complicated pregnancy, I too have wondered what it would be like just to have a "normal" singleton pregnancy just like everyone else. But unlike you, I am most definitely done. So wishing you the best of luck with the treatments... and a very boring, normal pregnancy:).

  9. While I have not experienced the pregnancy of multiples, I have experienced the side effect of the "Bitch pills" and that name fits... I could also add sweet tooth pills to that, Clomid gave me serious sweet cravings!

    I wish you the very best of luck in your journey to have another little blessing to add to your famiy.

  10. Thanks ladies!
    Oh yes, you are so right about the sweet tooth LOL

  11. Katrina,
    I, too, want a 4th. Everyone ALWAYS assumes that we are done because 3 came at the same time. We are going to try IVF with frozen embryos in August. Good luck to you!

  12. I conceived my twins via IUI with Femara and Novarel. I;m not sure if I'm done or not yet but I applaud you for trying again and doing what you feel is right for your family. Good luck and I hope you get your wish soon!
