
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

We all put on some green, the trio do have some Irish in them, and headed out to a local McMenamins, we were hoping to get to hang out there for an hour or two. About 30 min. in Xander, Hayden and Lily let us know they had other plans in mind. So we took them to a park for a little bit, it was a pretty nice day but still chilly...can't wait for summer to get here! They don't get to spend time on grass enough, they all act like the are new to walking LOL.
We decided to buy some backpack harnesses, I know many people aren't about "leashes" on kids, but if I am ever going to let them start walking places with us, without me having a coronary, we need something that will still give us some control. They seem to like wearing them around the house, they don't like them so much when you are using the restraining aspect of the product though.
We have started painting their soon to be room, I hope we can have them moved in by the end of the weekend, this really depends on Jason so we shall see...he did get the TV cables hidden in the wall already so there is hope.

Look at that collar LOL

So serious Hayden
That is more like it :)
Sweet Lily Bug
Showing off their belly buttons.
They enjoyed the park today, can't wait until they are more able to play with all the stuff.
Our 3 monkeys have monkey harnesses.
Xanders side of the room taped and ready for paint. Jason is doing Seahawk colors, wouldn't be so bad if the team didn't suck ass the last couple of years.

The girls side...we are attempting verticle stripes on the bottom half of the wall...we'll see how well that goes :)

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