
Friday, April 23, 2010

Some fun with the trio.

I have been feeling pretty tired the last few days, so I have been slacking on the blog. Here are some new pictures, the kiddos were very entertaining today.
My sweet boy is all about being green...just read his shirt :)

Lily Bug is still not letting us cut up her food very often, her french toast this morning LOL

Having fun in the kitchen LOL.

Miss Hayden can do the crime but she can't do the time. She has become super sensitive to being scolded. If we sternly look at her and tell her 'No, we do not bite/push/pull get the idea LOL... our brother/sister' she will start crying, worse than who she just hurt, and Hayden takes longer to calm back down LOL.
Lily has become a little parrot, we really need to watch what we say now because she is in the repeat everything she hears phase.
We had no idea baths would end up being such a huge hit, we now have kids that ask, and sign, for a bath every day. They still have a cow when it's time to get out but we can deal with that.
Jason has been using my car to go to work since his stopped running sometime before DECEMBER. He had a friend come look at it today, about fricking time, and it was fixed in 45 min for $15.00. If I wasn't so glad to have my car back I might have killed him. Now lets just hope it stays running.

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