
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lily, I don't think that is a good idea.

Lily was having a blast putting a blanket over her head and walking around blind. Thankfully she was walking slow so when she ran into stuff it wasn't hard and all she did was touch her head (or whatever she hit with) and laugh. Xander was right next to her most of the time, but seems he doesn't make a very good seeing eye dog :) She bumped into the wall one too many times for me so I took the blanket away....Lily was not happy with me.

She was so upset over the blanket Xander got concerned.

He called in reinforcements...Hayden to the rescue with kisses

Lily and Xander were acting really sweet with each other today, they kept walking around holding hands. When they would let go Lily would say "hand, hand" until Xander took her hand was so cute.

Hayden and I were chilling on the couch, OJ felt the need to join us LOL
I chopped off my hair yesterday, it's shorter than it has been in years...gonna take some getting used to, color is coming soon.

Lily Bug snuggling with Momma :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love it when my 3 hold hands too. It's such a sweet moment in a day of many not so sweet moments!
