
Monday, July 19, 2010

Such big helpers!

We spent some time out on the back patio today. The kiddos were playing with their soccer balls and Jason and I even joined in with a little beach ball volley ball. Jason had a huge pile of leaves and junk that thankfully Xander started trying to rake which spurred Jason into a mood to clean it up. Xander and the girls were great helpers, even after the bag was full and closed they were still finding junk and trying to throw it in the bag. Earlier today Xan had an EI appointment, he is being switched to a different therapist, she works a different area of speech delay. Our old therapist came with the new one today for her lat visit and actually had a little teary goodbye. We will miss her, though I am sure we will see her again.
Such a little man, he was trying so hard to get stuff on his rake and put it in the bag just like Daddy was :)

The trio begging for cheese while Jason is making dinner.

I hit 16 weeks yesterday, my appetite has come back a bit...I think I am now up 4 or 5 lbs. I am starting to get worried about not feeling any movement yet, so glad I have an appointment Friday so I can know if baby is doing well.

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