
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Berry picking fun!

Xander, Hayden and Lily were invited to their friends Conor and Madeleine's 2nd Bday party today. They had the party at a U-pick berry and fruit farm, what a great idea! This was our first time out berry picking, the trio did really well, though they ate more than made it into their buckets. We tried to explain to them that they only wanted the blue blueberries but I think they all ate their share of green ones LOL.

Pics of the fun....

Enjoying a cupcake and some watermelon.

Lily licking her lips at her cupcake.

Then she looks at her Dad like is it really mine LOL.

Happy Bug.

Off to pick some berries!

A little 18 week belly shot. I think I may be feeling a little movement here and there.

They had a small little play gym, so we stopped by that for a few min. before we headed home.

Lily of course had to swing. This picture was taken about 1 second before Hayden ran over to the swing and got taken out by Lily. She flew about a half foot backwards and landed flat on her back. Poor things both cried for a min. or two but were fine thankfully.


  1. Great birthday party idea! I wish Hazel had a warm weather birth date! October is hit or miss...
    I took Hazel strawberry picking but not blueberry picking yet.. I had to explain to her that you just eat the red part of the strawberry and not the WHOLE thing (she even at the leafy stem part! blech!)

  2. Looks like they had fun! You look so cute with your little belly! Enjoy it, it goes fast!
