
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

They have us surrounded!

Jason and I took the trio to the park today, we went to a new one with lots of ducks and geese. The birds were crazy for the bread, and seriously were not afraid to pick our pockets for it. Thankfully no one got nipped, though we had to threaten a goose or two. The kiddos thought the geese we really cool...they called them "quacks" the whole time we were there.
A few of the geese, this was only one small part of them, there were large groups everywhere.
Dad handing the kids some bread to toss.
Lily started eating it herself, afraid the geese were going to rush her for it Jason tossed the rest.
When we were all out of bread we had to run away from the geese to the park area...this is the geese in hot pursuit.
After playing a little on the equipment all three did some swinging before heading home.

1 comment:

  1. Impressed they didn't freak. My brave boy cries and monkeys up my legs when he sees geese. Of course that may be because I told him they would bite him if he came close...
