
Friday, September 17, 2010

A fun day with Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber.

My brother and his fiance have been working like mad people for the last couple of months, so we haven't been able to get together since the trio's birthday party. Today they had some time and accompanied us to OMSI. The kiddos had a blast playing with them and exploring all the fun stuff at OMSI for a couple hours. Then we decided to all go grab a bite at Red Robin. Lots of pics of the fun!

Checking out some dinosaurs.

Bones...teeth...and claws, oh my.

Coloring dinosaurs with Uncle and Auntie.

Uncle Scott had the trio crawling on the floor with him to sneak up on the T-rex then they all popped up and growled at himLOL.
Playing in a 'lake bed'.
Weather forecasters!
Listening to the ocean with the help of some shells.
Uncle Scott and my little chipmunks in the chipmunk nest.
Time to get soaked, yeah the smocks not helping so much.
Dinner time.
This little guy was chilling out in front of our house today...this praying mantis is so cool.


  1. Looks like they had a blast! Loved the TV view.

  2. I love the new banner picture. Looks like their Uncle Scott is just a BIG kid. Not sure who had more fun. Awesome

  3. Thanks guys! Yeah Melinda, he sure had a great time playing with them LOL!
