
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eviction notice issued little dude!

I check in tomorrow morning at 6:30, hello O'dark 30, for my induction!!! I have been 2cm (maybe more by now since it's been a week since they checked me) and 50% for 3+ weeks now so they think there is a good chance Pitocin will do it. If it does not work I will have a Csection on Friday. I am nervous but ready...I can't believe it's time already. I am a total slacker and packed my hospital bag tonight. Well small suitcase, I started with a big back pack but who am I kidding LOL. Grandma will be staying at our house with the trio, they are going to have such a fun few days!

In triplet news.... We have been in new toy hell all week. They have been fighting over everything and now they have even more toys to trash my house with LOL. They did have a nice time playing with each other for a little bit tonight though. An empty box=1 hour of peace, a first this week that was not due to cartoons. Kids are just like cats, buy them cool toys and they are just as happy to play with the box... who knew LOL :)
The box started whole, they were taking turns getting in it and being push around, then it broke...but the fun kept on going. Don't mind the dress code. Lily took off all her clothes which got Xander and Hayden going, then she put hers back such luck with the other two hehehe.

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