
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Multiples Christmas party!

The kids have been feeling good the last day or two, so we decided we would go to our multiples groups Christmas party this afternoon. We told the trio this morning that we were going to a party, so Lily was talking about dressing like a princess all day. We had a lot of fun, and they tired themselves out quite well.
All dressed up and ready to go.
Man his hair grows fast...he needs his 3rd hair cut, since July, already.
Hayden is a girl on the move.
She was ready to go and very tired of waiting.
Miss Lily...such a Diva.
So happy to be in a pretty dress...Lord help me I have a girly girl. Thank goodness Auntie Allie can help her with princess wear...this old Tomboy may not know enough LOL.
Playing at Munchkin Playland.
One of the other moms in the group snapped this awesome pic of LilyBug.
A little bite to eat...always such great food at these parties!

Relaxing at home...I really think we are in need of a bigger couch LOL.

Xander hasn't gotten into anything recently, though we did have to rearrange the furniture in their room and switch crib tents with Lily as he totally destroyed his...thankfully Lily is still not an escape artist.

I am 36 weeks today...I look huge, you can see the 32lbs I have gained I think LOL. Now that it is looking like Jericho could arrive right around Christmas Jason came home with a new outfit for him. It's in newborn size which fits 5-8lbs, he is 6 1/2lbs already so he better hurry it up, or he may not fit into it hahaha.

I can't wait to see the little guy in this :)

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